Consolidated Updates on // Admin Dashboard - September 2020
New features
- A new Topic type - Shuffle Mode Topic
- Encouraging Team Collaboration Pt.2 - Team Achievements
- [BETA] New Pop-up Alert Type - website
Feature Enhancements
- [Bulk Action support] For manually awarding achievement to players and teams
- [Administrative Access] Project Moderators able to manage Teams - add Players to a team or remove Players from a team
- [Challenge Settings] New points setting for Single-Selection Poll and Custom Form Challenges - points per completion
- [Report Enhancement] New report - Team Achievement Recipients Report
- [Report Enhancement] Improved Team Report and Player Report (at Project and Topic level) with more data
- [Report Enhancement] Added date filter and support for sending report via email for Player Achievement Recipients report and Reward Redemption report
- Improvements to Content and Achievement Rules Management to prevent content/achievements from being perpetually unlockable - Admins are alerted of associated Flashcards/Challenges/Achievements when unpublishing or deleting a Challenge and when unpublishing or deleting a Topic.
- Allow the use of Project code when searching for Projects in the Admin Dashboard
- Enhanced Topic indexing in relation to Team Bonus Points - no longer contributes to player's points in a Topic; shows up in bonus points transaction instead
- [Enterprise Plans only] Admin logs now record for all successful report downloads
UI/UX Fixes or Enhancements
- [Analytics Enhancements] Revamped Team Summary (Project Analytics) interface
- [Challenge Settings] Enhanced points setting with visualization of the maximum number of points players can earn from completing a challenge during Challenge creation and edit
- Also able to view the maximum number of points players can earn from completing a challenge from the Challenge list, in Topic Manager
- [Challenge Settings] Field to insert post-completion message is now expanded by default during Challenge creation and edit
- Modified navigation buttons in Project and Topic Tools
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues with date format for completing Custom Form Challenge using excel file upload
- [Fixed issues with Topic indexing] Publish/Unpublishing Challenges does not affect Player's Points cache for the Topic
- [Fixed issues with Topic indexing] In relation to incorrect statistics when deleting challenge, duplicating challenge, completing an unpublished challenge for players
- Fixed issues with points summary in relation to Team Bonus Points
Published on 02 October 2020
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