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Downloading Player Reports at the Project level allows you to analyze Players' activities based on completions, votes, comments, and points across all Topics, Flashcards, and Challenges in the Project. This article will cover the following:
How to download Player Report
- Go to Project Analytics and select “Report Download”.
- Scroll to the section “Player Data” and you will see 5 reports available for download (learn how to interpret each of them below)
- Player activity in this project: consolidated report of all the Players in the Project
- Player activity in this project - active Players only: consolidated report of all the active players in the Project (active being having at least one completion, vote, or comment)
- Player activity in this project - include points summary: a breakdown of the actions that contribute to the Players’ current total points
- Player activity in this project - segmented by Topics: each worksheet contains player activity in the selected Topic
- Player activity in this project - segmented by week: activity accumulated by Players, by calendar week.
- After selecting a report, click and you will see the options to 1) download the report directly, or 2) send the report via email.
- To download the report directly:
- Go to the section “Download Report” and pick a time period - “All Time” or a date range (according to GMT +0).
- Click to begin downloading.
- To send the report via email:
- Go to the section “Send Report via Email” and pick a time period - “All Time” or a date range (according to GMT +0).
- Insert an email address to which you would like to send the report.
- Click to generate and send the report.
How to interpret the report
There are 5 reports available:
- Player activity in this project
- Player activity in this project - active players only
- Player activity in this project - include points summary
- Player activity in this project - segmented by topics
- Player activity in this project - segmented by week
Player activity in this project
A consolidated report of all activities by all Players in the selected Project. You will see the following:
- [Column A to E] Player information: unique ID, name, email, region, account suspension status
- [Column F to G] Team information: unique ID and name
- [Column H to S] Player statistics: project completion status, progress, total time spent, number of completions, challenges completed, votes cast/received, comments posted, total points, points balance (after deduction from reward redemption) and redemptions
- [Column T to AD] Player activity data (any timestamp is according to GMT +0)
- Join Time: timestamp at which the player joined the project
- First Accesses At: timestamp at which the player first accessed the Project
- First Completion At: timestamp at which the player first submitted a challenge completion
- Last Completion At: timestamp at which the player last submitted a challenge completion
- Last Vote At: timestamp at which the player last voted on a content or completion
- Last Comment At: timestamp at which the player last commented on a content or completion
- Last Activity At: timestamp at which the player is last active in the Project - can refer to either viewing of content, completing challenges, etc.
- Last Accessed at: timestamp at which the player last accessed the Project
- Days Since Last Activity: the number of days since the player is active in the Project
- Account Creation: timestamp at which the player account was created
Player activity in this project - active players only
A consolidated report of activities by active players in the Project only. An active player has at least one completion, vote, or comment in the select Project. The data available is the same as the report for “Player activity in this project”.
Player activity in this project - include points summary
There are 2 reports available - “Players” and “Points Summary”.
“Players” is a consolidated report of all activities by all Players in the selected Project. The data available is the same as the report for “Player activity in this project”.
“Points Summary” is a breakdown of the actions that contribute to the Players’ current total points in the Project. You will see the following:
- [Column A to C] Player information: unique ID, name, and email
- [Column D] Action: any activity in the Project that resulted in the change in points (can include completing a challenge, redeeming a reward, awarded bonus points by Admin, etc)
- [Column E to F] Challenge details (if relevant): ID and title
- [Column G to J] Details and impact of the action:
- Count: the number of times this particular action has occurred for the selected player (i.e. how many times did it happen)
- Total points: total change in points due the action (a result of an addition of ‘points’ & ‘from bonus points’)
- Points: change in points due to action (not accounting bonus points)
- From Bonus Points: change in bonus points due to action
NOTE: any negative sign before the value represents a deduction of points, typically due to reward redemption.
- [Column K] Last Update: timestamp in which the action happened (according to GMT +0)
Player activity in this project - segmented by topics
Each worksheet, marked by the Topic ID and title, contains player activity in the selected Topic. You will see the following:
- [Column A to E] Player information: unique ID, name, email, region, account suspension status
- [Column F to J] Player statistics: number of completions, votes cast/received, comments posted, points in the selected Topic
- [Column K to N] Player activity data in the selected Topic (any timestamp is according to GMT +0)
- Join Time: timestamp which the player joined the topic
- Topic Completion At: timestamp which the player completed the Topic, i.e. completed all challenges in the topic
- First Completion At: timestamp which the player first submitted a challenge completion in the selected topic
- Last Completion At: timestamp which the player last submitted a challenge completion in the selected topic
Player activity in this project - segmented by week
A summary of the activities accumulated by Player, with a breakdown by calendar week. There are 2 reports available - “Completions” and “Points”.
“Completions” only shows the number of challenge completions accumulated by the selected Player. You will see the following:
- [Column A] Week: displayed as the year, followed by the calendar week
- [Column B to D] Player information: ID, name, and email
- [Column E] Completions: the number of completions accumulated by the selected player
“Points” only shows the number of points accumulated by the selected Player. You will see the following:
- [Column A] Week: displayed as the year, followed by the calendar week
- [Column B to D] Player information: ID, name, and email
- [Column E] Points: the number of points accumulated by the selected player from all activity in the Project
An active player is defined to have at least:
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