Multiple-Option Selection Multiple-Attempt Quiz Challenge allows Players to select one or more options from a set of options, of which only one combination of the option is the correct answer. Unlike the Quiz Challenge, Players may complete the Challenge more than once, depending on how the Administrator set it up.
The former only allows Players to complete the Challenge once, and the latter allows Players to complete the Challenge more than once. See Creating a Single-Option Selection Quiz Challenge and Creating a Multiple-Option Selection Quiz Challenge to learn more.
Single-Option Selection Quiz allows Players to select one while Multiple-Option Selection Quiz allows more than one of the provided options. See Creating a Single-Option Selection Multiple-Attempt Quiz Challenge to learn more. |
To create a Multiple-Option Selection Multiple-Attempt Quiz Challenge:
- On the Project Manager Page search for and select the Topic you wish to create the Multiple-Option Selection Multiple-Attempt Quiz Challenge.
- On the Topic Manager page, locate and click on
- Click on Challenge in the pop-up panel.
- You will be directed to select from a range of Challenge Types. Select
- Then, select "Multiple-Option Selection".
- Go on to insert the Challenge information - Image, Name, and Description.
Under “Quiz Options”, create at least 2 options, and select the correct answers by clicking the radio button below the option.
You can also randomize the order of the options by checking the checkbox
You can also randomize the order of the options by checking the checkbox
- Under Quiz Options Display, you can select to display the options as List View or Grid View (Best with images).
You will also see several other options:
- *Points Settings - where you can set different points for the correct or incorrect option chosen by the Players
- Assigning speed points for Challenge
- Assigning team bonus points for Challenge
- *Determining how often Players can complete the Challenge - it is highly recommended to check the option
to prevent the Players from farming points unnecessarily. The answers will not be shown if the players answer it incorrectly.
- Note: The frequency set from "How often may players do this?" will be ignored if this option is selected.
- Activating Time Delay before completions are allowed
- Set maximum completions allowable before Challenge expires
- Scheduling the Challenge to publish and expire
- *Entering post submission message - where you can customize the messages for the correct and incorrect option chosen by the Players
- Allow private completions
- Enabling Admin-only completions in a Challenge
- Locking the Challenge
- Embedding External Media
- Embedding a Map
- Notification options for newly created Flashcard or Challenge
- After you are done setting up the Challenge to your liking, click
Some special things about Multiple-Option Selection Multiple-Attempt Quiz Challenge:
- Players can attempt the Challenge multiple times.
- You can set the Quiz Options Display.
- As an option-based challenge, settings can only be edited when there are 0 completions associated to the Challenge. You can do so by deleting any remaining completions or duplicating the Challenge.
- Images can be added to the Quiz Options created.
- Add more than 2 Quiz Options to give your Players a variety or increase the difficulty level of the Challenge.
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