There are instances when Players are unable to receive email notifications from Gametize or have issues clicking on links in email notifications. This is commonly seen when accounts are registered using company email addresses or when the email notifications are accessed using work devices - for reasons such as corporate IT security policies.
Here are some possible reasons why the password reset link is not sent:
If possible, we also recommend an alternative login method using single sign-on (SSO).
Email may be blocked in the recipient’s mail server
If the account is registered using the company email addresses,their corporate IT system could reject our emails due to several reasons (e.g. corporate policy, security guidelines). It could also be due to the spike in email frequency sent by our platform which caused our emails to be flagged or blocked on your end.
We recommend whitelisting in your email system. Even with the increased activity in the platform resulting in an increase in the number of emails being sent, users will still be able to receive them.
Email may have been blacklisted for certain accounts in the recipient’s mail server
Our email may have been blacklisted by your mail server.
Please reach out to your company’s IT department to explore the possibility of whitelisting our email server.
Links in the email do not work because the device does not have full internet access
If you have any issue accessing the links in the email, please do ensure that the device used has full internet access and a stable network.
Email has been bounced due to an invalid email address (email address is fake or incorrect)
If the email address used for registration is invalid, our mailing server would have blacklisted them or in this case, identify it as an invalid email address. As such, if the player requests for a password reset link to be sent to the email address, our mailing server would have blocked them.
Please ensure that the email address has been created and validated before creating an account or inviting the player to the project.
Email may have been marked as spam or reported as spam
The email might have gone to your spam or junk folder.
In the case of corporate email addresses, the email may have been marked as spam by the company's spam filter. Hence, it did not get sent to your inbox.
Using Single-Sign-On (SSO)
NOTE: Sign in with Apple is only available on iOS devices, via the Gametize iOS app (version 1.9.9). |
To minimize the need for activation via activation email or a password reset link, we recommend to sign in using Single Sign-On (SSO) via the iOS and Android mobile apps.
- Select
(if you have an iOS device) in the Gametize app.
- Select an account you would like to sync with and follow the instructions for authentication. You may be prompted to log in to your Google, Facebook, or Apple ID account in the process.
- Sign in with Google (see more): the email address associated with the selected Google account will be shared with Gametize and Project Admins of the Projects you’ve joined
- Sign in with Facebook (see more): the email address associated with the select Facebook account will be shared with Gametize and Project Admins of the Projects you’ve joined
- Sign in with Apple (see more): you have the option to share or hide the email address associated with the selected Apple ID - either will allow you to create a Player account, learn more here.
- Once the authentication is successful, you will be directed to the Gametize app home screen.
Note: The account has been automatically activated if it is using the SSO option such as Google and Facebook (account is validated by the service provider eg. Google). |
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