Our platform currently does not support completion reports with images to be downloaded by Project Administrators.
We have identified a Google Chrome Extension that allows you to download images from a list of URLs which will be helpful for Admins to download all images submitted in the Project.
Link to add Tab Save Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-save/lkngoeaeclaebmpkgapchgjdbaekacki
After you have added the Extension, follow the steps below to download the images:
Download the Completion Report.
Open the Excel File downloaded and scroll to the “Images” column
Copy all Image links that you would like to download.
- Click on the Tab Save extension and click on the Pencil icon on the bottom left.
- Paste the links and click on the Download icon on the bottom right to download all images.
- The images will then be downloaded to your computer
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