User Role Availability |
✓ Project Owner ✓ Project Administrator |
These bonus points are not tied to any Challenge completion or Player actions. By awarding Players these bonus points, they add to their total points. There are 2 ways to do so:
Awarding Bonus Points by selecting from list
Using this method, you can award bonus points to a single Player or multiple Players.
- Select a Project in which you would like to award bonus points to the Players.
- Go to Project Tools. Under ‘User Management & Awardables’, select ‘Bonus Points’.
- Click
- In the popup, click
- Scroll to search and select one or more Players to award bonus points to. Then, click
to proceed.
- Select notification options - you may choose to inform Players via email and/or push notifications, or none.
- Insert the number of bonus points you would like to award to the selected Player(s). (Note that if more than one Player were selected, all of them will receive the same number of bonus points).
- [optional] You may also type a message to the selected Player(s). (Note that if more than one Player were selected, all of them will receive the same message).
- Go on to confirm the action on awarding bonus points to the selected Player(s).
Awarding Bonus Points via Excel file upload
Using this method, you can assign different bonus points and send different messages to individual Players.
- Select a Project in which you would like to award bonus points to the Players.
- Go to Project Tools. Under ‘User Management & Awardables’, select ‘Bonus Points’.
- Click
- In the popup, click
- Prepare an excel spreadsheet as per the structure and guidelines listed (you may look for an attachment at the bottom of the page for a sample file):
- 1st column: Players’ email address (they have to be existing Players in the selected Project)
- 2nd column: bonus points to award (you can award different points to different Players)
- [optional] 3rd column: messages to Players(you can have different messages to different Players)
- Do not include any header rows
- Save the excel spreadsheet as "Excel Workbook (.xlsx)" files
- Click
to upload the excel spreadsheet you’ve just prepared.
- Select notification options - you may choose to inform Players via email and/or push notifications, or none.
- Click
to complete.
HOT TIP: There are various other ways to award Players with bonus/extra points. |
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