Creating a Project is the first step to building your game. Note that in the process of creating the Project, you will be required to pick a plan.
This article will walk you through on how to create a blank Project, where you can create Topics and Challenges as you go along, without any Template. To do so:
- Sign in to your Administrator account (sign up if you don’t have one!).
- On your dashboard, click
You have the options to:
- Start with a blank Project - which will be used to illustrate the steps in this article
- Select a Project Template - learn more here
- Click on
- You will be directed to select a plan - any of the subscription plans (learn more here).
- If you have selected any of the paid subscription plans, you may be prompted to insert your billing information and credit card information.
You may insert any available coupon code (learn: Applying Coupon Code).
Then, go on to fill in all the necessary details that describe your Project.
- Upload a Project Icon which illustrates the content of your Project. Or take a pick from our Image Library or Pixabay.
- Insert a Project Name. Make sure that it contains at least 5 characters!
- Insert a Project Code. Make sure that it is a unique one where your Players can easily input to find your Project via the Gametize web or app.
- Insert a Support Email for your players to contact you for inquiries. The email address may be publicly visible. If you do not have a preferred support email, you may use and our dedicated Support Team will assist.
- Choose your Project privacy.
- Choose to enable guest login for your Players.
- Set Character limits for posts and comments: Maximum numbers of characters players are allowed to enter for all posts, comments, and replies in this Project. Leave it empty if you wish to use the default limit (unlimited).
- Enable Discussions: Players can create posts and replies on the Discussion Board.
- Enabling or Disabling Teams in a Project
- Team Settings for Players:
NOTE: For more information on customizing home screen button, you may refer to the article here. |
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