[Challenge] Custom Form Challenge to have an option for photo uploads
Answered/ImplementedThis suggestion was provided by Henna Sachdeva (3PillarGlobal)
As part of the project's requirements is to have their users submit a photo relevant to the details which the users can select from the custom form challenge (i.e. Multiple Choice option, Date option), the team would like to see a selection that allows for photo uploads in Custom Form Challenges.
Hi Angeline!
Thank you for your feature request. We currently already have settings on Custom Form Challenges which allow for photo uploads by the Player (please refer to the screenshots below):
Additionally, here is a link to the knowledge base article on how to use the Custom Form Challenge.
Please do let us know if this functionality addresses your use case, and if not, please do elaborate on how we can help achieve your desired user experience. Look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Product Team
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