[Project Sharing] Copywriting, Option to share
Answered/Implemented1) The copywriting here is a tad confusing. This is because technically private projects can be shared, but the teaser page will not work. I will suggest:
"Please ensure your Project privacy is set to public before sharing the Teaser Page. Teaser Page is not available if your Project privacy is private."
In fact for now, it may be more ideal to completely disable the game teaser url (or show the line "Set Project Privacy to Public to receive link").
2. Nice to have and definitely most ideal: Make it an option for admins to toggle on Teaser Page (for both public and private projects). It is a good real estate space for Project Admins to share. In this case, even when Project Admins switched to private and have shared game teaser pages before, they have knowingly turned on the option.
Hello Keith, just an update that this screen has been improved and will be up by the next major release.
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