More Admin Controls for Challenge a Friend Feature

For Consideration


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    In my opinion, peer challenging and reminder of the gametize experience often has more pros than cons in reminding the use of the app. Push notifications are generally not enabled by 50-70% of users. Can I ask if this peer challenging feature has been abused by any players so far? 

    My recommendations to our tech team in terms of priority will be as follow, starting with most important:

    1) Limiting email notifications initiated by players (e.g. 2 mails a day, and then digesting the rest) - this will be across the board and not limited to just peer challenging.

    2) Allowing users to send this as an email from their own mail client - e.g. there will be different icons for them to challenge with different methods (mail, linkedin, fb, or through gametize invitation). As such, this becomes a 2 step process and will make it a little less convenient to "spam" other users. 

    3) Enabling or disabling of Peer Challenging; I am quite confident this will be the next evolution of this feature, but it is on the roadmap with many fixes/upgrades planned for Gametize. As such, I believe (1) will be a more scalable solution at the moment. 

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