Hybrid App Known Issues


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    Lee Chuan Xin

    Inability to Navigate Back In Certain Functions

    In this situation, said framed website is part of the Login page. Unfortunately, there is no way to control the routing behaviour from the parent window outside said framed website.

    A deployment has been made where a "Back" button is added to the top. Said "Back" button brings you to the start of the login flow, which is the main Login page with unfilled username and password. Unfortunately, this means if Terms or Privacy links are clicked, clicking the topbar's back will mean you will be brought back to having to fill in your username and password again.

    This approach is preferred instead of using a behaviour similar to your desktop browser window's back button, because the "browser back button" behaviour can be misleading. The "browser back button" behaviour will cycle through the history within the IFRAME, before the history of the parent window.

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