Responses in challenge form not retained after logging in




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    Gametize Support

    You will now be prompted to log in before you are able to complete a Challenge! Available on Player Web. 

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    Lee Chuan Xin has been deployed. Challenge fields should now be disabled pre-login, and on clicking on them, trigger a login CTA.

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    Dear Gametize Support, attention Gerald,

    There is some misalignment. The UX workflow the client brought up is for a specific use case where the user attempts to complete a challenge without logged in yet (not as a guest - this is not the problem), and after answering, the user is asked to login or signup, without any of the texts saved. 

    Here are my 2 workarounds:

    1) The textfield should still be shown to given an indication of what this challenge is, but it should trigger a prompt for log-in/sign-up, and the textfield should be "grayed" or disabled.

    2) The entries should be saved for the users after they log in/register. This will be way harder. 

    cc Amanda Lee Chuan Xin


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    Gametize Support

    Hi Keith

    Noted and I have edited the community post title to match the context. 

    Thank you! 

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    Dear Keith,

    Thank you for the clarification on the issue mentioned above, UX team will be looking into this matter :D 


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    Lee Chuan Xin

    Hello all,

    As replied in the email, I will go with option (1) in Keith's suggestion.

    Option (2), as he has mentioned, is a lot more complicated to implement. This is given that every Challenge may have different structures (quizzes and custom forms come to mind, given they can have an unlimited variety of options or fields). Also, when it comes to saving anything to browser Storage, there is also the consideration of how long to save it for (or when to drop the saved results), which is trickier given the visitor may visit a few more pages before they go from "not logged in and in challenge page 123" to "logged in and in challenge 123".

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    That is great news! Gametize Support, please do update the mentioned client!

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