[Web] User flow after clicking on Project Player web link (for private Projects)
Answered/ImplementedThis is in regards to the user flow after clicking on the Project Player web link for private Projects (not the Project share/teaser link) - https://app.gametize.com/project/[projectid].
(1) Weak Login CTA for when a Player (not logged in) click on a private Project web link.
- Upon clicking on the Project web link, Player gets redirected to the page shown below.
- No clear CTA to prompt Player to login to continue.
- Confusing for the Player on what is the next step.
2) To redirect Players to the Project page upon successful login
- Currently, app.gametize.com/project/[projectID]/loginhome functions as a workaround URL to direct Players to the Project login page
- After login, Players are directed to the Project page.
- However, if a Player is already logged and click on the workaround URL (i.e. app.gametize.com/project/[projectID]/loginhome), Player gets directed to the home page and not the Project page.
Official comment
Addressing (1) Weak Login CTA for when a Player (not logged in) click on a private Project web link, we have added a login button to better facilitate Players to login when they encounter such scenarios.
Addressing (2) To redirect Players to the Project page upon successful login, the workaround URL (e.g. app.gametize.com/project/[projectID]/loginhome) works well to direct Players.
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