[Web] Clearer error message - email login

For Consideration



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    Gametize Support

    Hi Li Xin, thank you for the suggestion! We have escalated your request to the Product Team. We will be updating the status and progress of this request via the comments below, be sure to keep a lookout!

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    Lee Chuan Xin


    This error message is populated by the API - I simply throw the error message out onto the alert. While the web platform used to have explicit error messages coded on to the front-end, they have since been removed. Instead, the Tech team is inclined towards just returning error messages from the API. This is due partly to maintainability, especially since we are doing translations/localizations. We do not want to have repeated copies coded on to the front-end when it is already provided by the backend.

    That said, by "clearer error message", can you name a few different kind of examples of the kinds you are looking for (eg. email address does not exist, wrong password etc)? I mentioned this because there may be certain security aspects that may deter us from providing more explicit error messages.

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    Lee Chuan Xin

    Can't tag Damon here but I tagged him in the JIRA post instead: https://gametize.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/UX/boards/13?selectedIssue=UX-410

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    Lee Chuan Xin

    From Damon:

    For the above, it’s up to you as long as you do not pinpoint to specific issue (i.e. cannot say "Invalid password" or "Invalid email" but you can say "Invalid email or password")

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    Li Xin

    Lee Chuan Xin "Invalid email or password" is good! Clear enough to inform the users. 

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