[FEATURE UPDATE] Greater freedom for Team Creators - transfer ownership
Team Creators now have the option to relieve themselves from the title - by transferring team ownership! To simply be a team member, to leave and join another team, or none at all.
If you are looking to leave the team (on app or web), just remember, you would need to first transfer ownership (on app or web). You can select any team members to take over as the Team Creator.
This is available on the Player Web and Apps.
Published on 14 July 2020.
Official comment
More team functions here: https://support.gametize.com/hc/en-gb/community/posts/360068134112--FEATURE-UPDATE-Players-now-have-a-greater-say-in-Teams-with-more-Teams-functions-?page=1#community_comment_360011359191
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