[Web/App] Challenge Sharing
For ConsiderationGot this idea after an email convo with a lady who works in one of our partner organizations – she was asking how to share specific Challenges to players, e.g. she wants to specifically call out certain Challenges to Players.
I shared we only have the capability to share specific Challenges for now via URL on player web, by copying and pasting the URL in the browser. Got an idea to leverage the current "Project sharing" that we've done but on a Challenge-level, e.g. similar to when you're using Shopee etc. and are able to share specific items on the platform, both on our app and player web.
The current challenge is that when such URLs are shared, the page preview when shared in social platforms is incorrect or not available.
This is particularly challenging to implement in ReactJS, which is why there hasn't been much progress here.
However, sharing of the URL without preview is not an issue, just that it won't be as ideal without the preview.
Hi Prapim, thank you for the suggestion! We have escalated your request to the Product Team. We will be updating the status and progress of this request via the comments below, be sure to keep a lookout!
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