[App/Web] Sharing mechanisms (no virality)




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    Thank you for the implementation. I understand this is not ready on iOS, not sure on Android.

    1) I'll suggest to have a "copy link" option

    2) Utilize the (...) button on challenges/topics (which has "challenge enquiry" right now) for an additional "Share" option. 

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    Hi Keith

    Point (2) have been taken into consideration for implementations :D

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    Lee Chuan Xin

    Copy link has been added amongst Project sharing options for web. Link copies are available natively in Android (there is copy to clipboard function on Android when you open the native share function) and iOS (Damon verified too) in their native share functionality.

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    Hi Lee Chuan Xin @Amanda bumping this up for your review - to include the "copy link" option here. 

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    From Chuanxin: This is already recorded in JIRA. 

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    Currently, still no way to share 1) Topics 2) Challenges 3) Completions 4) Copy link.

    Hope the UX team can consider implementing bit-sized updates, using simplest approach (using the "..." icon), starting off with bringing back at least emailing (which was actually there before, but now replaced with direct messaging to admin).

    Lee Chuan Xin Amanda

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    Vicott Wong

    The main challenge would be that the meta tags cannot be easily populated for individual pages in ReactJS, which causes the description/image preview of the page to be incorrect or empty when page is being shared in other platforms, especially social media.

    If the preview is not a concern, e.g. we can use a placehold description/image, implementing the share function for other pages besides project would be more manageable.

    We have noted this request in JIRA for further brainstorming/discussions.

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    Thank you Vicott Wong; I will suggest taking care of the Meta tag/Preview matters for phase 2, so it is not a concern for now.

    Please go ahead for implementing Share function, cheers!

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    1) Regarding Meta Tag/Preview, updates have continued in the internal discussions at "Sharing functions & Meta Headers/Image/Descriptions for Projects/Topics/Challenges". I have recommended a generic image and copywriting. 


    2) Regarding Sharer tool: I have updated https://support.gametize.com/hc/en-gb/community/posts/360056097951/comments/360010867331 with an image screenshot, for utilizing (...). Again, bringing up for consideration. Amanda. I am confident this should be an easy change. 

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