UX/UI for locked content
Answered/ImplementedPlease refer to topic here https://www.dropbox.com/s/10kczyrjgrumqim/Screenshot%202019-12-17%2017.52.57.png?dl=0, https://app.gametize.com/topic/5459
There is a locked challenge. The challenge before shows:
I would suggest to allow user to navigate even to the locked challenge, and it simply shows up as "This is currently locked", with 2 arrows before and after to allow user to continue navigating.
Hello Keith,
Navigating between different Challenges in a Challenge Profile/page is currently only available in our player website, thus we are not returning the information to navigate to the previous Challenge or next Challenge from a locked Challenge. For all other valid Challenges, the previous/next Challenge information is returned correctly.
I have discussed this with the backend Tech team, and we agree that your suggestion will improve the web experience of navigating between Challenges within the Challenge Profile/page.
The backend Tech team knows about this request, and will be working on it. Please refer to this Trello card https://trello.com/c/yJ0wkYE0/292-player-web-navigating-around-locked-challenges for further updates on this development.
The backend has been deployed for BETA.
A couple of weeks ago, we also set up playground.gametize.com for you to test features and API available only on BETA in an environment similar to app.gametize.com. The front end for the new Challenge-to-Challenge Navigation improvement can be tested on playground.gametize.com.
When this feature is moved to LIVE/PROD, you will see this improvement on the apps too.
The backend code has been prepared, and so is the frontend code on our player web. The backend code will be deployed and once it is moved from BETA to LIVE/PROD, the frontend handling on our player web will be deployed too.
Likewise, the iOS and Android developers will start looking into ways to allow visitors to navigate to the previous or next Challenges from the Challenge Profile/view.
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