[Web / App] Display quiz options after answering




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    Dear team, any updates on this? I would consider this to be an important feature, for demo purposes as well as context (also, I would like to check if the image would be shown if it is part of the option)

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    Just confirmed image does not show up. 

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    Lee Chuan Xin

    Hello Keith,

    I did some preliminary interface testing on React, and currently most of the data is returned from the API call for us to render this feature.

    We are currently missing the flags in multiple-attempt quizzes for rendering the player's current choice vs correct choice. I have informed the backend Tech team about it, and they will be making the changes.

    You can track our progress regarding this feature in these 2 Trello cards:

    - https://trello.com/c/yqdbNoMD/182-web-app-displaying-quiz-options-after-answering (the UI/UX aspect of rendering the options in the apps and web)

    - https://trello.com/c/NEkmb8LI/293-web-app-challenge-api-for-multiple-attempt-quizzes-does-not-return-answered-and-correct-flags (the backend aspect of adding the necessary flags for rendering the current choice and correct choice in multiple-attempt quiz completions)

    For now, I have added 2 screenshots below for displaying quiz options in private and public completions in single-attempt quizzes. This interface will be rolled out once the necessary flags are added for the multiple-attempt quiz completions.

    Private completion

    Public completion

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    That's great news, thank you!

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    Lee Chuan Xin

    The backend code has been prepared, and so is the frontend code on our player web. The backend code will be deployed and once it is moved from BETA to LIVE/PROD, the frontend handling on our player web will be deployed too.

    Once those are done, the iOS and Android will be following the same handling for the various quiz settings (multiple-attempt vs single-attempt, private completions vs public completions, repeat-till-correct vs regular).

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    Thank you for the update, Chuan Xin. This is useful for the public to follow the development. 

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    Lee Chuan Xin

    The backend has been deployed for BETA.

    A couple of weeks ago, we also set up playground.gametize.com for you to test features and API available only on BETA in an environment similar to app.gametize.com. The front end for rendering the quiz options after completion can be tested on playground.gametize.com.

    Do note that we have decided to continue hiding the quiz options for previous attempts in "repeat-till-correct" Multiple-Attempt Quizzes. Having the quiz options available after completions for "repeat-till-correct" quizzes will defeat the purpose of such a setting. This is because the setting is meant to encourage players to keep attempting the quiz without referring to previous attempts.

    When this feature is moved to LIVE/PROD, you will see this improvement on the apps too.

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    Hi Chuan Xin,

    I saw the preview on playground, looks good. 

    Just to clarify your note on Multiple-attempt quiz: The correct-answer options are only hidden when the quiz is "refreshed" and ready to be re-attempted, is that correct?

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    Lee Chuan Xin

    Hello Keith,

    For regular multiple-attempt quizzes:

    • When the quiz hasn't been attempted, the quiz option results will not be shown.
    • When the quiz has been attempted at least once, the quiz option results of your previous attempt will be shown. 

    To illustrate the above, here are 2 screenshots:

    The multiple-attempt quiz is not attempted yet, so there are no prior results to be shown. The interface still tells you how many (other) players got it right or wrong, if the quiz supports public (as opposed to private) completions.

    Here, the same multiple-attempt quiz is attempted once, thus it shows the results of your latest completion: you have selected "Wrong3", and it is wrong. The correct answer is "Correct".


    For repeat-till-correct multiple-attempt quizzes

    • The quiz option results will not be shown regardless of whether the quiz has or has not been attempted before.
    • However, if you have attempted it before, we have a panel that will simply inform you if your previous attempt is wrong or not.

    Below, I have 2 screenshots of the interface for repeat-till-correct multiple-attempt quizzes.

    You just attempted a "Repeat-till-Correct" Multiple Attempt Quiz. You got it wrong. It doesn't show you the quiz option results so that you won't know what the correct answer is just like that. However, it does tell you your previous attempt was wrong: "You got it wrong!"


    Since you got it wrong, you re-attempted the quiz. This time, you selected the answer 'correct'. The challenge cannot be repeated any further since you got it correct. The interface will inform you here that you got the previous attempt right (and thus, you can't complete it any more).


    I hope that clarifies.

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    Lee Chuan Xin

    RE: "Repeat-till-correct" multiple-attempt quizzes -

    This is what I was referring to:

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    Thank you Chuanxin. I understand this clearer now. 

    My suggestion is to retain an almost-similar UI for ‘Repeat-till-correct’ quizzes, except not show the correct answer. This is to standardize the workflow as much as possible for maintainability purposes, and also not to confuse the user/admin thinking this is a bug. 

    I also think it could be helpful to tell the user that they can reattempt the quiz until they get the correct answer, and this is why the correct answer is not shown. A sample of the screen can be show in one of our support articles, that can be linked to the function in the challenge manager too. My 2 cents. As an admin, I will be curious to know how this will turn out before and after answering. (Low priority). 

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