[Project] Ability to archive Projects
Answered/ImplementedFeedback from Platform User: Jorge Leon
As the number of projects grows in our account, it's getting more difficult every time to manage all the projects because a lot of finished ones are still on the list.
What we do is unpublish finished projects but if there was an easy option to "Archive" them, taking them out of the main view, would be so useful.
Gerald Ong
Customer Support
Official comment
Keith and Prapim Creating folders to organize Projects is currently not available. But we've just released a feature to archive Topics and Flashcards & Challenges. Read more here: [NEW FEATURE] Content Archiving - organize your growing list of Topics, Flashcards, Challenges via the Admin Dashboard
Comment actions -
Thank you Gametize Support (Prasanth, Lixin?) for the update. It does seem like a slightly more convenient way than creating separate private/unpublished topic(s) and moving the content over, which has worked quite well for me so I can't say the lack of this feature was troubling me much but it may have troubled Enterprise clients who have pushed for this.
Nonetheless, cheers to this neat improvement, and looking forward to the improved workflow/interface for managing projects!
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