[BETA] A more intuitive interface for Topic Categories Management
Let’s see what’s new on the plate!
The interface...
There is now a dedicated interface just for managing Topic Categories - no longer buttons on the Project Manager page. Launched as a popup, you can easily exit the action, as opposed to clicking the browser ‘back’ button.
The relevant buttons - creating new Topic Category and reordering Topic Categories are also packed in within the dedicated space.
A clearer view of the created Topic Categories
Before this iteration, Topic Categories appear as tag-like buttons - making it difficult to spot and inaccessible for editing.
Upon launching the new Topic Categories Manager, you will see all created Topic Categories and their elements in plain sight - image, title, and description, as well as action buttons such as edit and delete.
Added function!
There used to be only 2 actions available when it comes to managing an existing Topic Category - edit or delete.
Now, you are able to control the active/inactive status of the Topic Category by using the publishing function.
- Published: the Topic Category is in an active state and if assigned to a Topic, allows for selection and filtering on the Player Web and Apps.
- Unpublished: the Topic Category is in an inactive state, but will not affect the publish status of any assigned Topics.
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