Guidelines for posting on the Features Wishlist: for Admins board
PinnedAs you craft your post, please add the following prefix to the subject title. This will help us greatly in putting the requests in the right categories. Also, please keep in mind the Community Content Guidelines.
- [Dashboard Home]: Anything pertaining to the Admin Dashboard Home, e.g. the navigation sidebar, Inbox
- [Project]: Anything pertaining to Project-level actions, e.g. Project Settings, Game Creation Progress Bar, Customize Projects, Pop-up Alert, Email Templates
- [Topic]: Anything pertaining to Topic-level actions, e.g. Topic Categories, reordering content
- [Challenge]: Anything pertaining to Challenge, e.g. points settings, embedding content
- [Player/Team Management]: Anything pertaining to managing Players and Team, e.g. inviting to Project, creating a Team
- [Administration]: Anything pertaining to performing administrative actions, e.g. adding Moderators, moderating completions
- [Achievements]: Anything pertaining to Achievements management, e.g. Achievement rules
- [Rewards]: Anything pertaining to Rewards management, e.g. adding Reward parameters
- [Awardables]: Anything pertaining to other Awardables components, e.g. Awardable Actions and Bonus Points
- [Bulk Actions]: Anything pertaining to actions that impact the entire Project, e.g. reset Project content
- [Project Analytics]: Anything pertaining to Analytics, e.g. Analytics dashboard, downloading reports, etc.
- [Settings] Anything pertaining Admin’s user information, e.g. updating password
- [Billing] Anything pertaining to managing billing, e.g. adding credit card
For anything that does not fall into the above categories, please post it in the Features Wishlist: General Discussions board.
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