[Project] Summarising various breakdowns of points that can be earned in the project (by topics or overall)
This is to help admins to plan for game economics, and especially rewards manager.
E.g. Summary of Challenges
ChallengeID: 1
- points: 10, repeatable: hourly, max points: 100, votes: 10 each, unlockable: no
Challenge 2
- points: 10, repeatable: hourly, max points: 100, votes: 10 each, unlockable: Upon ChallengeID 1
Total Minimum Points a single player can earn: 100 points
Total Points possible from votes: 10000 points
Total Points possible form repeated challenges: 1000 points
Might be good to have Data team help with this.
Official comment
Hi Keith, we've made some headway towards solving this problem for you! Check out our article on how to check the maximum number of points a Player may earn from a Challenge! Hope you find this helpful.
Comment actions -
Gametize Support this is very cool stuff, thank you mystery ninja!
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