Using Topic Privacy to "shuffle" or "randomize" Challenges?
Answered/ImplementedWe are putting it outright, the Gametize platform does not have the function to shuffle or randomize the Challenges in a Topic. But, what we can do is to create the impression that the Challenges are shuffled or randomized :)
Say you are targeting your content at a group of 50 Players - you would like them to attempt the same set of content but in different orders.
STEP 1: At this point, all of these 50 Players should already been invited or have joined the Project. Create a small list and split these 50 Players into groups. In this example, we shall have 5 groups of 10 Players each. (It will be helpful for the later steps to have them listed in an excel spreadsheet)
STEP 2: However many groups you have split your Players, duplicate the Topic with the Challenges the same number of times (minus one). In this case, duplicate the Topic 4 times.
STEP 3: *This step is extremely important* Toggle Topic Privacy of all the Topics (both the original and duplicated ones) to private.
STEP 4: Reorder the Challenges in each of the duplicated Topics, to create the impression of a "randomized" set of Challenges.
STEP 5: All you need to do now is to deliver the "randomized" Challenges to your Players. Simply invite them to the respective Topics, in the case of this example, invite the 5 groups into 5 Topics.
The best parts, the Players will only see the Topic they are invited to (which is basically the same as any other), and all the Players will share the same leaderboard.
NOTE: This will only work out if the original Topic does not have all Players in it. If it does, simply remove the Players from the Topic (removing them from the Project does the trick as well).
We've completed our development of our new Shuffle Mode Topic! Check it out and let us know what you think!
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