[Project] Every project will have these automatically included (unpublished) topics, upon creation
Answered/ImplementedRecommending this so an admin user knows how to get started right away
1) Private topic ("Starter Kit and Notes")
2) Demo Topic (Intro) - https://gametize.com/play/quest?id=5459
3) Demo Topic (Embedding Examples) - https://gametize.com/play/quest?id=10995
Also, I would like to suggest one step further that every newly created account admin will have a demo project (duplicated from gametize.com/game/506) immediately duplicate into their account (free plan), and unpublished. If this can be done, then (2) and (3) is not required.
Updating this post with more recent developments. This change was undone as it was interfering with our platform's analytics and also with routine Customer Support tasks. Though it was a suggestion with an clear objective, the implementation led to more difficulties than it solved.
We may revisit this request with a more elegant solution which achieves the goal identified here when we are able to, but for now this request will not be implemented.
Cheers, and thank you for your feedback!
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