Widgets Sandbox Thread - What would you like to see?



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    A Facebook-like Status Posting feature (aka Forum Community)

    General idea:

    (1) This topic must have a default standard challenge (which will be the anchor challenge for people to post anything).
    (2) The topic can have optional challenges (e.g. photo, quizzes)

    - The widget has a default text field for "status update", which really is the completion field for the standard challenge. This must be based on the first standard challenge in the order list. 
    - The widget has a tab of other challenges from (2), which the user can choose to complete, if there are other challenges (e.g. quizzes, challenge of the week). 
    - The newsfeed effectively is a summary of activities within this topic. 
    - As usual, points can be set. 

    Finally, the admin can choose to create this kind of topic in the admin dashboard, e.g. "Community" topic. 1 widget can look more like Facebook's newfeed, the other more like a Forum. 


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