Hiding of Certain Optional Fields in the Challenge Creation Process



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    Lee Chuan Xin

    We have made changes to the Challenge creation pages, for a more seamless game creation process. Focus only on the most important settings, and see and use the rest only when you have to.

    From our analysis, the most commonly used settings are the ones for describing the Challenge (Challenge Title, Description, Image), and awarding points.

    The less commonly used settings will now be hidden behind collapsible tabs, so that you won't have to feel agonised having to fill up every single setting just to create your simple game.

    You should be able to see the new changes within the next deployment.


    The old (and admittedly pretty long) Challenge creation interface


    The new Challenge creation interface


    Click on the arrows on the collapsible tab (eg. Embed a Video) to expand or collapse the options!

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