Kudos to the efficient Tech Ninjas! All the featured items scheduled for Q1 release are now completed and live on the Gametize platform. We are currently working on improved versions of them, as well as a few other platform enhancement. To learn more about the Q1 product features, click here.
Gametize Ninjas have some ideas on the features we would like to work on in the coming quarters. But, we are more than happy to hear what you have to say about them. Leave us a comment below, and let us know if any of the features interest you!
**PS: The only constant is Change. Do not be alarmed if you see changes to the roadmap along the year! Do keep a lookout for these updates here.
Official comment
Thank you for sticking with us for the whole of 2018! While we were unable to keep up with the planned product features, we still managed to get many releases out. Below are some key highlights:
- New Admin Dashboard User Interface (not in the roadmap)
- New Player Wed Interface (Q3 2018)
- Game Creation Progress Bar aka Content Creation Wizard (Q4 2018)
- Editable Settings for option-based Challenges (not in the roadmap)
Moving forward, we are re-mapping our Product Feature Roadmap for 2019. So... stay tuned!
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