[BETA] Unlockable Rewards
We are pleased to introduce another new feature now available in beta.gametize.com: Unlockable Rewards. This feature enables users to set up rewards that can be unlocked based on rules set, adding an element of surprise and motivation for participants.
Steps to Set Rules for Unlockable Rewards:
- Create or edit the rewards at Reward Manager.
- Scroll to the bottom and expand the option "Lock this Reward?".
- Check the box "Yes, make this locked!".
- Apply a rule to the rewards.
You can now create this feature via beta.gametize.com and experience it through the Gametize Showcase App:
iOS: https://testflight.apple.com/join/DFEBXoX0
Android: https://gametize-share.s3.amazonaws.com/flutter/Gametize-Showcase.apk
We invite you to explore this new capability and share your feedback with us.
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