[ARCHIVED] Request from user: Redirection after user log in (Player Web)



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    Lee Chuan Xin

    Hey there,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Facebook Login is currently unavailable on the new app.gametize.com Player Web, so I assume you are referring to the existing Player Web ((https://gametize.com/play/game?id=[project_id])) instead for this request. 

    Unfortunately, we won't be making any new changes to the existing Player Web at the moment. We are deprecating the existing Player Web, and intend to move the existing game content to app.gametize.com.

    Do check out app.gametize.com, and let your players and users know that they can check the game out at app.gametize.com/project/[your-project-id]. Re-direction for log in and registration is set up for app.gametize.com, so you should be able to achieve the experience you want on that platform.

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